The impact of social media and personal appereance

While social media can help people express themselves it can also influence how we view ourselves and others. Each day it is more common to see children using social media and unconsciously comparing themselves to different influencers without noticing age, economic status, and/or mental state.

The rise of social media

There has been a long evolution regarding social media. Start with apps like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and now TikTok. These platforms have dominated how we communicate, share, and consume information but also put a spotlight on how we view ourselves.

Although there can be a positive side to social media, like I mentioned before, it gives a platform for people to express themselves however they want, and create communities based on similar lifestyles. It also gives the opportunity to present diverse representations. Although there could be many negative sides such as feeling pressured to act or publish a certain way, the constant exposure to unrealistic standards can also affect mental health

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword that has enough power to control the way we view ourselves and others, we must be able to understand both negative and positive aspects of social media to approach it with awareness, critical thinking, and empathy, creating a healthy environment for our mental health.

Writing a formal e-mail

Dear Principle Robert Baratheon,

On behalf of the student council, I am writing to you concerning the amount of plastic used in our campus

We have gathered many students to ask and listen to their opinions on ways we can improve this situation, and after hearing many complaints and suggestions, I developed a reward points system.

This is a game-type activity that incentivizes recycling. The purpose is for students to gain points through effective recycling, they will gain points for re-using bottles instead of throwing them away, and can even gain double points if students do these activities in groups, so that we can encourage cooperation.

The advantage of this activity is that students could have food discounts on healthy items, discounts on reusable bottles, and more. All this so that they feel motivated to recycle.

In conclusion, we can implement a fun way for students to stop using so much plastic, and aim to work in groups to help benefit our world. I am open to answering any questions or suggestions.

Yours sincerely,

Alejandra Romero Campos

Wealth Inequality inAmerica

Listening & Speaking

Youtube video:

New vocabulary:

  1. Skewed: Imagine you have a line of numbers showing how much money people have. If the distribution is “skewed,” it means that most people have a small amount of money, but a few people have a lot. It’s not evenly spread out; instead, it leans more towards one side.
  2. Quintile: This term is like dividing a group into five equal parts. If we’re talking about wealth or income, it means splitting the population into five groups, with each group representing 20% of the total. So, the first quintile would be the 20% of people with the least wealth, and the fifth quintile would be the 20% with the most wealth.

My Language 4 Self-assessment 2023

Hello everyone! I cant believe were here doing this again…Time goes so fast, I didnt even notice and we are finishing the year, but yeah, lets start!

Im glad to say that I feel as if I have improved myself, being more pacient with myself and others. Each day I am more anxious thinking about my practicum but I also feel much more confident, thanks to Miss Maria Veronica<3 oh yeah, its still hard for me to wake up early in the morning, so hopefully next year its easier 😀

Phonetics in general is a challenge for me, I don´t quite like it but at least it is our last year 😀 so that makes me happy.

Home workshop week 15: Digital workshop: my personal reflections

When starting this workshop, I initially approached the thought of integrating technology into education with some enthusiasm as well as skepticism. Some of my strengths could be recognizing the innovative potential of incorporating internet and social media into education and acknowledging their relevance in our society.

Throughout this workshop, my perception of technology in education evolved. I discovered the many powers of technology, particularly in my own learning experience. The realization came when we all created our presentations, a class that allowed me to explore the dynamic and interactive aspects of technology. Even though I would also have liked to dig deeper into tools like Excel, or others.

One specific tool that stood out in my learning journey was the interactive question form I integrated into my presentation. Due to how short the presentation was I wasn’t able to express everything that I wanted to, I was disappointed when I noticed that the teacher marked that my presentation didn’t have enough “interaction”.

Since my presentation was about the ethics that should be taught in education, I think that in terms of collaboration and communication, technology plays an important role. The workshop facilitated interaction among my classmates, creating a digital space where their ideas and opinions would be shared anonymously.

Looking forward, I find myself better equipped to use technology confidently and effectively in future educational settings. My vision for the future of technology in education involves a continued evolution of innovative tools and strategies. I intend to use technology’s benefits due to this course by creating an environment that fosters curiosity, collaboration, and ethical responsibility.